Avoiding the Cosmetic “Wild West”

First, we need to refute an extremely common misconception. The terms “plastic surgeon” and “cosmetic surgeon” are not synonyms. Board-certified plastic surgeons undergo years of additional training and a highly rigorous and specific board-certification process. As for cosmetic

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Dolly P. on How to Live the Dream®!

“If something is bagging, sagging, or dragging, I’ll tuck it, suck it or pluck it.” These memorable words come from 77-year-old national treasure Dolly Parton, and it’s safe to say

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What Makes the Dr. J Difference?

Many people who look at Dr. J’s stunning online galleries first may feel a bit of a letdown when they look at sites that belong to other plastic surgeons. While there are

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Plastic Surgery Before and After

Dr. Payam Jarrah-Nejad, MD, FICS, FACS has helped countless patients move from “before” to “after” with the best results and the fastest recovery times imaginable. Whether you are seeking out

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Latisse Beverly Hills

Eyebrow and eyelashes might not get the same attention as the hair on your head, but there’s no getting around the fact that they have a huge impact on your

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Radiesse Beverly Hills

The popularity of facial fillers is growing throughout the country, but few doctor’s offices in the U.S. offer so many options for facial rejuvenation as those available in the famed

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Restylane Beverly Hills

Restylane in Beverly Hills is among the most popular of all facial fillers for eliminating or softening wrinkles, sagging, and creases. The entire process involves an office visit, and the recovery

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Brow Lift

In the hard fought battle to reduce wrinkling and sagging of the forehead, a brow lift from Dr. Payam Jarrah-Nejad is extremely likely to produce the best possible results, especially

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