For many people, the cost of liposuction is a secondary matter to looking and feeling your very best. Even so, having an outstanding liposuction doctor to discuss the matter with is an invaluable aid. Dr. Payam Jarrah-Nejad, MD, FICS, FACS – better known as “Dr. J.” to his patients and colleagues — is a top-tier plastic surgeon and an acknowledged expert on the procedure.

Liposuction is almost never paid for by insurance. The good news, however, is that it is no less affordable than other types of plastic surgery. Moreover, there is no better authority than the widely respected and double board certified Dr. J. to discuss precisely what is liposuction and your options with regard to it.
Of course, the cost of liposuction is one important matter that you will discuss, but you should be concerned equally with the likely results in your case. Dr. J. is known for his sculptural artistry in reshaping the human body. He is also noted for his ability to speed up recovery times, reducing the cost of liposuction by allowing patients to return to work more quickly.
Dr. J. will be delighted to explain all the ins-and-outs of all the issues, from the likely aesthetic and health impact to the cost of liposuction. For most patients, we are happy to say, cost rarely gets in the way of having the procedure done. Given the number of liposuction procedures performed, the doctor and his experienced staff are able to keep the price of liposuction highly competitive, making the procedure accessible to the large majority of patients.
Liposuction should not be regarded as a magic spell for instant weight loss; it is intended to remove stubborn fat deposits that have proven resistant to exercise and lowering caloric intake. While the procedure is not for everyone it can, however, be amazingly effective.
For more information on liposuction and other types of plastic surgery, please contact Dr. J. at his offices or online.