Your Post Pregnancy Body Can Be Stunning with Dr. J

Whether you’re seeking a way to enhance the beauty of your post pregnancy body or you’re looking to enhance individual features like your breasts or buttocks, Dr. Payam Jarrah-Nejad, MD, FICS, FACS is the perfect aesthetic surgeon for your needs. Known affectionately as Dr. J to his patients, the renowned surgeon utilizes his refined skills for everything from Brazilian buttock augmentation to mommy makeover or even rhinoplasty.

When performing a fat transfer to buttocks surgery, Dr. J offers much more than a beautiful bottom, his patients also enjoy a taut tummy, waistline and thighs. That’s because the renowned surgeon removes unwanted fat on the surface of the hips, thighs or stomach through liposuction and introduces in to the buttock region. This leads to a perfectly contoured, curvaceous body as well as a stunning posterior.

For new moms, youthful beauty may seem like a thing of the past, but with Dr. J, it doesn’t have to be. The good doctor uses a composite of procedures ranging from tummy tuck to breast augmentation and Botox to enhance the beauty of new mothers with the sort of beauty that they have come to appreciate as an intrinsic part of their being.

No matter what your cosmetic goals may be, Dr. J is happy to offer his immense talents to help you realize aesthetic beauty in your own life. For a free consultation, contact the practice of the board certified plastic surgeon today. You’ll be put in touch with a medical professional who is dedicated to answering any questions you may have about Dr. J’s world-class procedures.

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