It’s true. There really is no time better for making an improvement in your life than right this very moment. As you can see on such pages on this website as our rhinoplasty before and after photos, Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S. has been helping men and women to make the kind of changes in their appearance that a great many of us would like, and he is ready to start working with you now.
Dr. J, as the Beverly Hills-based plastic surgeon is known to his patients and colleagues, is quick to point out that plastic surgery is not about producing miracles, and that it’s crucial that patients have realistic expectations about their likely outcome. That why it’s helpful for individuals to do a little homework before embarking on a procedure. For many, this might mean simply taking a look at our buttock augmentation before and after photos and learning more about Dr. J’s preference for the Brazilian style of augmentation, in which unwanted body fat is taken from elsewhere in the body and used to sculpt a more pleasing and voluptuous rear end.
Others will want to explore the doctor’s many other procedures. Today’s plastic surgery is more broad ranging than ever before, and it covers the entire face and body. While certain operations are more popular and widely known – and it’s true that our page of breast augmentation before and after photos is among the most view page on this site – Dr. J’s work runs the gamut from ear pinning and facial rejuvenation, to breast reduction for both female and male patients and a great deal more. Whatever change you’d like to make, don’t wait forever to explore the opportunities that life affords. Dr. J is here to help.