“It’s better to look good than to feel good!” exclaimed Billy Crystal as the effete socialite/celebrity, Fernando, on a famous 1980s Saturday Night Live sketch. The line got a big laugh because, well, we all know that the suave but shallow bon vivant had his priorities backwards. Here at the website of Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S., you can see images of a range of procedures, ranging from successful facelifts to buttock augmentation before and after images. Each and every one of these images features a patient who was so happy with her or his results that they wanted to share their great results, and that is largely because Dr. J pays due attention to how patients feel following a surgery, as well as to how they look.
To borrow another catchphrase from Fernando, it’s true that people depicted in the kind of facial procedures before and after images you see on this web site, do, indeed, look marvelous (or “mahvelous”). However, you can also be sure that part of the reason they so gladly volunteered to share their results with the public was that they felt just as good. Some of this, no doubt, is the result of increased levels of self-confidence based on their more youthful appearance. It’s also, of course, the result of simply feeling good in the wake of their procedure.
Whoever you go to for a procedure, you want to ensure the best possible outcomes by selecting a board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Jarrah-Nejad, know more casually to his patients as Dr. J, is actually double board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery as well as the American Board of Surgery.. Whether you have come to this site curious about breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and chin augmentation before and after results, or any other type of procedure, he is ready and willing to answer patient’s questions about how his work can help them to look and feel truly marvelous.