While many of us are working very hard to reduce our level of body fat, the fat transfer Beverly Hills patients seek out is based on the fact that body fat can also add to a woman’s beauty – when it has the right location. Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S. – known to his patients as Dr. J — has been at the forefront of the procedure most people know of as the Brazilian butt lift. It’s a procedure that has gained greatly in popularity as more and more women are seeking out the curvaceous backsides that have been brought to the forefront by such internationally renowned figures as Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, and Kim Kardashian.

From Beverly Hills to Brazil: Why Fat Transfer?
Not so long ago, buttock augmentation procedures were done with the same kind of implants used for enlarging breasts. However, Dr. J has been one of the leading plastic surgeons to realize the superiority of using transferred body fat, and he has been leader in employing the Brazilian butt lift in Beverly Hills at his offices.
The fat transfer technique has a number of benefits over procedures using synthetic implants, including:
- A more natural look and feeling
- It offers the doctor greater freedom to sculpt the most flattering derriere possible
- Reduces the chances of complication caused by infections
- A twofer – since the butt lift uses unwanted body fat taken from another part of the body via liposuction, it’s also an opportunity to reduce unwanted curves while creating new and better ones.
Want to Learn More about Fat Transfer Buttock Augmentation?
It’s no wonder that patients who turn to Dr. J for a Brazilian butt lift consistently report being delighted with their outcomes. As you can see from some of the pictures on this page, the results from a fat transfer procedure can be truly impressive.
Of course, all cases are different and not everyone is a candidate for plastic surgery. To find out if a fat transfer procedure is right for you, please call our offices today at the phone number above. You can also reach out to us via our contact page.