FAQs for Plastic Surgery

What should I expect during a consultation?

A consultation is your chance to find out what we can do for you and our chance to learn as much as we can about your situation. We will start by having you fill out some basic forms, taking a health history, and discussing the kind of work you have in mind. You will then meet Dr. J and discuss the work you’re thinking about, what the procedure(s) involves, and the kinds of outcomes that are likely in your situation. He will also talk about any tests that may need to be done prior to performing the procedure.

Dr. J strongly believes in clear and honest communication with clients. It’s important for many reasons, but studies have also shown that patients tend to be much happier with their procedures when they have accurate information about the ultimate outcomes of plastic surgeries. By the end of the meeting, all parties should have enough information to make a decision about whether or not going ahead with a procedure is likely to make sense.

Shortly afterward, you will hear from our coordinator who will be able to provide specific information both on Dr. J’s appraisal of your situation as well as costs and, if needed, financing. If you need more time afterward to consider if you want to go forward, we are happy to give you as much time as you need.

Do you offer virtual consultations? If so, how do they work?

Yes, we do offer them for clients who live outside the Greater Los Angeles area who want to begin the process. Obviously, we will need to see you in person at some point, but we can do a great deal of the work via a visual phone set-up or an Internet app. Before or during the conversation, we may also request photos of yourself and that will include the area(s) where you want the work to be done. We will also ask you to fill out the same forms as you would during a live consultation and get them to us electronically.

I’ve been hearing a lot about so-called chemical facelifts such as Botox and Juvederm. Are surgical facelifts still a good idea?

In a great many cases, absolutely yes. Injectables have many benefits and Dr. J provides them for many patients, but the bottom line is that theirimpacts are relatively short lived and need to be renewed regularly in order to be consistent.Of course, the effects of facelifts last a lot longer. Also a skilled plastic surgeon has more freedom to do work that improves a patient’s overall appearance. The effect can be magnified by a combining facelift with other facial procedures, such as eyelid lifts.

Are plastic surgeries ever covered by insurance?

Yes, but only in certain very specific cases. Pretty much without exception, insurance companies do not cover procedures that are deemed to be strictly for cosmetic purposes. However, some plastic surgeries can improve the patient’s health, though insurers will differ in what they cover. For example, rhinoplasties that correct a deviated septum may be covered, even if they also change the appearance of the nose. In some cases breast reductions are primarily performed to eliminate back pain, but persuading insurance companies on this point can be a challenge. Finally, insurers that cover mastectomies for breast cancer may be legally mandated to cover breast reconstructions.

I’ve been hearing a lot about Brazilian butt lifts? How are those different from other types of buttock augmentation?

In the past, many buttock augmentation procedures were performed using implants similar to those used for breast augmentation. Recently, however, techniques that use the patient’s own unwanted body fat have become the standard, as they allow the doctor to sculpt a more natural and flattering derriere. There are also benefits in terms of safety.

I’m considering breast augmentation. What type of implant is best?

Every patient is different and has different objectives. Silicone remains the most popular type of breast implant but in some cases saline (salt water) and “gummy bear” implants are worth exploring with your physician.

How long does it take to recover from a plastic surgery?

Obviously, this largely depends on what type of procedure we’re discussing. Apart from so-called “lunch time procedures” involving injectables, recovery times can vary from a few days to a few weeks. With procedures like facelifts and rhinoplasty, recovery will be relatively rapid, but it will take some time to see the full impact of the procedure.

Is liposuction a good way to deal with excess weight?

Liposuction should never be thought of as a means of weight loss. It is, however, very effective for dealing with stubborn pockets of fat that don’t seem to respond to exercise and low calorie diets. Common areas for liposuction include love handles and the lower abdomen.

I’m considering a few different surgeries for areas I’d like to address. Does it make sense to have them performed together?

Very often, yes. Performing procedures in conjunction with each other can allow a plastic surgeon to coordinate them so that they work in harmony with each other to create the most flattering possible impact. One common example of this ispatients who receive rhinoplasties and chin implants together, which can help to create a more harmonious outcome.

However, the most popular example of this is what we call the mommy makeover, which deals with many of the less flattering side-effects of motherhood. Most makeovers include contouring procedures such as tummy tucks to remove sagging, liposuction to remove fat deposits, breast lifts and often breast augmentation.

Is there a fee for consultations? 

Yes. There is a $250.00 fee for consultations with Dr. J.

Do you offer financing?

Yes. We want to make procedures with Dr. J accessible to as many people as possible, so we work with CareCredit to provide financing. You can apply for financing with them through our home page or at their main site: https://www.carecredit.com/.

Are plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery the same?

Given the way the media treats plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures, we can’t blame people for being confused, but the answer is a flat-out no. The difference between the two has everything to do with the important distinction between plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons. Plastic surgery is among the most demanding of all medical specialties. In addition to the general surgery residency all surgeons must complete, they must perform an additional three years specifically in plastic surgery. After that, obtaining board certification involves a number of additional hurdles. Requirements for becoming a cosmetic surgeon are considerably looser; they can come from a variety of specializations and may not have any special expertise. Dr. J is a board certified as both a plastic surgeon and a general surgeon.

What happens following a consultation?

Depending on the outcome, patients may either have to make a decision about whether or not it makes sense for them to go through the procedure at this time. In some cases, there may also be tests or other data that the doctor will need to look at to ensure that the patient is a candidate for a particular procedure. A follow-up appointment may also be necessary in some cases. Once both the patient and the doctor have agreed to go forward with a surgery, then it will be time to schedule a procedure and ensure that the patient is able to make all the necessary arrangements and is fully prepared for the surgery.

I’m a man. Does Dr. J take male patients?

Absolutely. Dr. J has performed numerous procedures on men of all ages. Our male patients frequently obtain rhinoplasty (nose contouring), facelifts, liposuction, as well as tummy tucks and body contouring. The latter is often performed on men who have lost a great deal of weight following a successful weight loss surgery. In addition, men suffering from enlarged breasts, an often hormonally-based condition known as gynecomastia, have enjoyed outstanding outcomes. Men are also obtaining Botox to fight wrinkles so frequently that the term “brotox” has been coined. More and more, men are being held to the same standards of appearance as women, so there’s no reason they shouldn’t benefit from the full bag of tricks in terms of looking their best.

I’m an out-of-town patient; how should I prepare?

Step-by-step details on the entire process for patients who don’t live in Southern California can be found at our out-of-town patients page. Generally speaking, however, it starts with an online consultation and providing appropriate information and documentation and then making both you and the doctor deciding whether or not a procedure is a good idea. Once it’s established that a surgery is happening, we need a minimum of thirty days’ notice to schedule a procedure and you’ll need to arrive at least 24 hours prior (48 hours may be better).

Can plastic surgery remove scars?

Not completely, but there are many ways to minimize scars and make them as inconspicuous as possible. In the case of plastic surgery scars, a good plastic surgeon can take a number of steps to prevent significant scarring so that, once a post-surgical scar begins to fade naturally, it becomes progressively more difficult to see. In the case of scars caused by injuries and surgeries performed by other doctors, scar revisions and other techniques can do a great deal. If you have scars and would like to explore what Dr. J can do them, feel free to contact us.

Can my surgery be covered by insurance?

Insurance will not cover any procedure obtained only for cosmetic reasons. However, some plastic surgeries have therapeutic aspects and so insurance will often cover those procedures. The best known example is that rhinoplasty (nose contouring) can be a way of treating such respiratory issues as a deviated septum. Very often, insurance will often cover these procedures in those cases.

Women who have had surgeries for breast cancer may also benefit from a federal law known as the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act. This law mandates that insurers who cover mastectomies must also cover breast reconstruction procedures, including augmentation in some cases. Finally, it’s more of a gray area, but breast reduction is often obtained largely to combat back pain. It’s rarely easy to get this procedure covered, but Dr. J’s offices will do its best to see what can be done when a procedure is obtained for therapeutic reasons.

What’s abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is, not surprisingly, a procedure on the abdominal area and you probably know of it under its much more widely used name: tummy tuck. It removes excess fat and skin tissues while also making stomach muscles tighter. It’s often obtained by people who have lost weight, either through a successful weight loss effort or following childbirth. Many people who get the procedure have lost a very large amount of weight thanks to bariatric surgeries. It’s also often obtained as part of a mommy makeover – a suite of procedures aimed at reversing the less attractive after-effects of motherhood. To see some of the abdominoplasty outcomes that Dr. J’s patients have enjoyed, see our tummy tuck gallery.

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