Women who wish they had shapelier thighs and buttocks often cover up their backside with towels, sarongs or cover-ups while on the beach, and consider the idea of butt implants. For many plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, butt implants are what are routinely used to get the best buttock contour, but Dr. J prefers to use the patient’s own fat, for a fat transfer to buttocks augmentation.
In most cases, Dr. J utilizes liposuction to perform the buttock augmentation to transfer fat from unwanted areas into the buttocks. Only if there is insufficient fat in the patient’s body will Dr. J recommend actual implants, as it can be the more prudent choice in that instance. The reason why Dr. J prefers to use the patient’s own fat is there is less risk of infection, implant rejection and a better chance of creating a more uniform, natural-looking enhancement.
Buttock augmentation is about more than just adding volume to the rear end. Dr. J is not only a surgeon, but highly familiar with buttock aesthetics and how it relates to the surrounding areas of the lower back, flank, and hips. As is evidenced in the buttock augmentation before and after photos on Dr. J’s website, balance is key. Dr. J is an expert in contouring, shaping and enhancing the buttocks, rather than simply adding to the size of the area, which almost any lesser plastic surgeon can do.
To learn more about buttock augmentation, call us today for a consultation!