If you’re seeking out a rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills with plastic surgeon Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S., there’s a good chance that improving your confidence is at the heart of the matter, and for good reason. People who want to improve their lives on either a business or personal level are often told they should be more confident. For a lot of us, this is vastly easier said than done. It’s hard to make ourselves feel self-confident about a job interview or a first date if we’re bothered by some aspect of our appearance. Well intentioned instructions that we should “love ourselves” don’t help. Actually improving our appearance, however, might make a difference.
Dr. Jarrah-Nejad, known affectionately to his patients and colleagues simply as Dr. J, has helped a great many patients deal with aspects of their appearance that are getting in the way of their attempts to build their confidence. Patients who are concerned about their facial appearance and its impact on their business or social life might seek out a rhinoplasty (nose job), facelift, or eyelid lift. Others who would like to wear a swimsuit or sleeveless gown with ease might seek out a breast, arm, or thigh lift in Beverly Hills with Dr. J.
While most procedures are primarily aimed at adults, it’s clear that the self-confidence level of young people may be especially vulnerable. A procedure known popularly as ear pinning (otoplasty) has helped a number of children, and some adults, deal with ears that may appear excessively prominent to them.
Of course, whether we are considering a facelift for ourselves or otoplasty in Beverly Hills for our offspring, it’s crucial that we make sure we are working with a board certified and highly experienced plastic surgeon. Dr. J is actually double board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery; he has performed the full range of plastic surgeries for numerous patients.
If you think your self-confidence could use a boost based on an actual change in your appearance. Dr. J and his team are looking forward to hearing from you.