Recovery Breast Augmentation

Patients considering breast augmentation as a method of improving their appearance or correcting the results of an operation are wise to show concern about their recovery process. Recovery from breast augmentation was once a major concern when breast implants were still a relatively new surgical procedure. While some doctors still use outdated methods resulting in long recoveries, a cutting edge surgeon like Dr. J has been pioneering rapid recovery breast augmentation procedures to help speed you though the recovery process, and to reduce discomfort and stress.

If you chose a rapid recovery breast augmentation, your effects will be immediately noticeable. Of course it’s important to ask the doctor long-term questions, but advances in surgical technology have made most concerns like inability to breastfeed a baby, a thing of the past. The critical time for your recovery from breast augmentation will be the first 24 hours. Since the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis most of the time at Dr. J’s medical center, you’ll spend most of this recovery time at home.

After your first day of recovery, you’ll be ready to go on walks, go to the store, and in some cases even return to work. Naturally if your job description involves lifting heavy objects over your head it will be necessary to give it some time, but if you sit at a desk, and you feel comfortable doing so, you may go back to your job. Rigorous physical activity should be avoided for a few more days to a week after your breast augmentation. Dr. J will keep a close watch on your condition following your operation. One more thing that always speeds up a recovery is the excitement and eagerness of a patient with a new look.

Contact us for a consultation and learn more about recovery from breast augmentation.

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