The Time to Get Started…

… Might be right now. Of course, that could apply to just anything, but since you’re at the website of Beverly Hills-based plastic surgeon Payam Jarrah-Nejad, M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.S ., better known to his clients simply as Dr. J, it’s possible that you’re thinking about getting a plastic surgery. So, if you’ve been gazing at our breast augmentation before and after gallery and thinking, “someday,” maybe the day to start exploring whether or not a procedure is really for you is actually today.

The fact of the matter is that plastic surgery is not for everyone – though that might not be for the reasons you think. For example, since elective procedures are very rarely covered by insurance, it’s only natural to be concerned about the issue of cost. However, Dr. J has found that price is very rarely the determining factor in whether or not a patient ultimately obtains a particular procedure, even among prospective patients with modest incomes. Much more often, patients find out that the kind of results seen on our rhinoplasty before and after gallery, might not really be achievable in their particular case. Also, sometimes there are medical contraindications for a plastic surgery. 

Fortunately, however, the large majority of people who want a plastic surgery are able to obtain it. Double board certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery, Dr. J is a highly experienced physician who has extensive experience in the full range of plastic surgeries. Whether you are interested in a facial rejuvenation procedure or would like to obtain the kind of results you see on our mommy makeover before and after gallery, he is here to help. Right now might just be the perfect time to get started on a plastic surgery with a consultation with Dr. J.

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